Marin Kitagawa ep 11 twixtor

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Marin Kitagawa

A girl with pale skin tone and above-average height, Marin Kitagawa is thin. Although she nearly usually wears dark pink colored contacts, her eyes are naturally a dark brown tint (outside of her cosplaying). Her waistline is slim, and her frame is on the slimmer side. Her smooth blonde hair reaches down to her hips and is topped with pinkish-red or orange highlights. Her bangs extend around the beginning of her eyelashes and cover the majority of her forehead and brows. Along with flowing over her shoulders, two hairstyles also stop in the area of her chest. She frequently wears her long, straight hair in buns, single top ponytails, double top ponytails, double knots on top, and long, straight ponytails.Her hair has a gradient that starts off being completely blonde at the top and gradually becomes pinkish-red or citrus-orange as it gets closer to the bottom. She does have pierced ears; on the left ear, she has one ring, three pearls, and an industrial piercing. On the right ear, she has two rings, one pearl, and one piercing. She also wears long, pink artificial nails that are covered with glitter.

According on her location, her sense of style changes. She dresses for school in a plaid skirt, black socks, brown shoes, a navy blue tie, a white button-up shirt with one chest pocket on the left. She also frequently sports two bracelets on her left arm, two rings on her right pinkie and left index fingers, a stretchy black choker, and other jewelry. She frequently wears a variety of clothing that she finds appealing when going somewhere informal.

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