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Waifu’s Meaning

Waifu is a Japanese borrowing and translation of the English term wife. The term “wife” first appeared in Japanese in the 1980s, when some younger Japanese people may have adopted it as a gender-neutral substitute to the old phrase “kanai,” which literally means “within the house.”

The Japanese phrase waifu is borrowing and translation of the English term wife. The term “wife” originally originated in Japanese in the 1980s, when it was likely adopted as a gender-neutral replacement for the ancient phrase “Kanai,” which literally means “inside the house.”

Waifu can be utilized with varied degrees of intensity in anime and related otaku culture, and is subject to varying degrees of derision or condemnation. Some fans refer to their favorite female character in a game or anime series as their waifu. Others, on the other hand, are more serious about it, seeing their waifu as an integral part of their lives. Even though they are completely aware that the figure is imaginary, these people’s feelings are serious. Body pillows, resin figures, and other goods are popular among folks who have strong feelings for their favorite character.

On the model of words like jailbait, a character who is purposely made to be loveable, perfect, and generally attractive to the audience is referred to as waifu bait.

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