Ayanokoji Twixtor Clips 4k CC

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Tall and fair-skinned, Kiyotaka is a young man with brown hair, eyes, and skin. He frequently appears donning the typical school outfit. He sports brown slacks and a green shirt with an orange stripe while he is not in class, covered by a white hoodie. Over a white shirt, brown slacks, and a blue vest, he is also seen wearing. Since he initially came to the school, he has gotten taller.

As Kiky Kushida noted in the light novels, he is regarded as being quite attractive and placed fifth among first-year males in ikemen. This is largely corroborated by the fact that he has garnered the interest of several females in his class, including those who are even extremely popular. Kei said that he is among the ten sexiest lads in the entire school before she formally began dating him. Despite being rejected by Kiyotaka, Sat thinks him to be even sexier than Ysuke Hirata.

At the pool, Suzune Horikita noted that he also had a very well-built physique. He vehemently denied doing sports when she asked him whether he had a large amount of muscle in his torso and arms, especially in his lower arms. He most certainly underwent intensive training in the White Room when he was a youngster, which is why this is the case. He is frequently shown with a carefree and lazy expression that conveys an uncaring attitude. This might be taken as showing his peers he doesn’t care or that he is acting in a passive manner. A flashback reveals that he had a fixed look even as a young child, which he would maintain until puberty.

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