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In order to combat what he called “boredom,” Ishida enjoyed to play a lot and embark on self-imposed excursions while in elementary school. Always engaging in practical jokes on animals or young children. Ishida got more cunning when Nishimiya moved into their class because he constantly made fun of Nishimiya, which caused him to frequently get reprimanded by his professors.

Ishida was cut off from everyone and developed a strong introverted personality after being used as a scapegoat for Nishimiya’s bullying. He began to show disdain for other people as he was so terribly sorry for all he had done to Nishimiya. Additionally, he developed a grudging hatred for everyone and began to see them as “pretenders,” such as Mashiba (whose brown hair he believes doesn’t fit him) and Miki Kawai (calling her a hypocrite though initially, it was not a complete lie). Ishida detested himself most of all for harboring negative opinions on everyone else.

Ishida starts making friends, hanging out, and laughing more after reconciling with Nishimiya in high school. He wants to return Nishimiya to her former happiness at this period, and he wants to assist her in reuniting with her former friends. When Ishida thinks back on his previous errors and the solitude that ensued, he still finds it difficult to go on, even with these acts of atonement.

Ishida frequently apologizes for his behavior first and feels he has no right to do so, despite the fact that he has been angry with someone. He acknowledged to Tomohiro Nagatsuka that Nishimiya is to blame for the manner he has evolved into.

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