Yor Forger episode 3 twixtor clips

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Spy x Family Episode 3

Yor is now living with Loid. He explains that they will have separate rooms, but that they will share one for appearances whenever they have visitors. Anya is overjoyed to have a mother and assists Yor with his luggage unloading. Loid claims that he had a buddy judge issue them a marriage license a year ago, and that he will consider the cause for their living apart till now and what to tell Yor’s brother later. Anya then takes Yor on a tour of the house, including Yor’s room. Loid asks if Yor enjoys the new furniture arrangement and mentions that he cleaned the room a little. Yor enjoys the set-up, and Anya tries to explain that she assisted with the cleaning. Loid, on the other hand, claims she simply tipped a bucket of water over. Loid discovers a picture of Yor and her brother after Yor collects her belongings from the boxes and says he should introduce himself after Anya’s exam is finished. Yor confesses that she has no proper attire for the interview, but Loid assures her that they will go to the tailor. Anya discovers an unopened box and attempts to open it, but Yor stops her because it contains her weapons and poison.

They leave, and Anya expresses her desire to hold hands with Yor. Yor remembers how she used to hold her younger brother’s hand, but she believes she should be more careful because she once hugged him and shattered two of his ribs. Anya was taken aback when she read Yor’s thinking and fled to avoid him. After that, Loid takes them to an opera where they may listen to some excellent music. After that, he takes them to an art museum, where Yor is enthralled by a guillotine artwork. Anya notices a place called Kids Place where children may draw and wishes she could join them.

Loid chooses to repeat the mock interview after they come home. He inquires as to how Anya spends her leisure time, to which she responds that she visits the opera, museums, and restaurants. Loid verifies that this is the correct response and informs her that if she is asked this question again today, she should respond. Loid then goes on to ask her what she’ll do if she sees her pal doing something wrong. Anya declares that she will attack them and beat them up, similar to what Loid did to the thief, but Loid urges her to forget about it and convinces him that the interview is still impossible. Yor confirms Anya’s claim that Loid was cool.

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